Friday, September 9, 2016

Week 12 - Richland, Washington

We had a longer week this week because of Labor Day,(preparation day was moved to Tuesday due to the holiday) which makes the weeks feel a little weird. Our preparation day was moved so that we would be able to talk to more families during the holiday weekend. 

Other than that the week was pretty normal. The family history centers were closed this week so we were not able to do very much family history work during the hours of 1-4 instead we went to the mission office and help out there for some of that time and we also cleaned a lot. Our basement is probably the cleanest it has ever!

We had a lot of meetings this week. which took up a lot of time - but they are fun to go to. This week we had Zone Council and District Council and both of them focused on having number goals to make the missionaries more accountable to their leaders for the work that they are doing in their areas. I really like this because I think it will make me more motivated to work the hardest I can. 

We also had exchanges this week, which was really nice because I was with a missionary that could work for the full day. We had a ton of success working the full day as well. We had quite a few people who said that they would like us to come back and share a message with them and their families and we found one guy that wants us to help him with family history work - it is cool to see that people are interested in the things that we are learning. We had another fireside this week and we had a nonmember show up so that was nice. We talked about the Book of Mormon and the Bible and compared them and shared how they help support each other. 

In other news: This week I also made a tie, which turned out pretty well! 

That was about all that happened during the week. Other than the little fact that he has been dealing with a medical issue.  He just told us that a few weeks ago he had a ruptured cyst that he went to the Urgent Care for and was put on a course of antibiotics.  He said, "I must have forgotten to mention that ...".  Yes, he did!  It has not improved and after a second Urgent Care visit he was told it is a Pilonidol Cyst that must be surgically removed in order to heal.  Afer consulting with the Mission President and other powers that be ... it has been decided that he will be come home for surgery + recovery - 4 weeks or so - and then go back out to serve.

Spiritual thought:

 33 And now, as I said unto you before, as ye have had so many witnesses, therefore, I beseech of you that ye do not procrastinate the day of your repentance until the end; for after this day of life, which is given us to prepare for eternity, behold, if we do not improve our time while in this life, then  cometh the night of darkness wherein there can be no labor performed.

I like this scripture because it it pretty plain in saying that we need to be continually repenting because we are not perfect.  We are always making mistakes but through the atonement we can be forgiven of those mistakes and we don't have to worry about carrying around those sins anymore.

- Elder Sugden

I also got a letter from him thanking me for the packages of cookies, ties and notes.  Before he left he said he didn't need packages, that he would make his own cookies!  I can't help myself, so I still sent stuff ... but he's come a long way in 3 months :)  He added that he thought I'd like to know that, "The other Elders in my zone are jealous because of how awesome my mom is and how she sends me a lot of packages."